Texas and Louisiana Car Accident Lawyers

Have you or a loved one been involved in a car accident in Texas or Louisiana? The aftermath of a collision can be overwhelming, leaving you with physical injuries, emotional distress, and mounting medical bills. At Bart Bernard Injury Law, our experienced team of car accident lawyers is here to help you navigate the legal complexities and fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.  While our offices are in Houston, Texas and Lafayette, Lousiana, we help clients across the United States.


Seeking Justice and Compensation for Car Accident Victims

Car accidents in the United States are unfortunately a common occurrence. With millions of drivers on the road, accidents happen daily. In fact, there are over 6 million car accidents reported each year in the U.S. These accidents can range from minor fender benders to severe collisions, resulting in injuries or fatalities. While the exact number of drivers involved in accidents can vary, it’s estimated that a significant percentage of the population will be involved in at least one car accident during their lifetime. These accidents can be caused by various factors, including distracted driving, speeding, and impaired driving, highlighting the importance of responsible and safe driving practices for all motorists. At the Bart Bernard Injury Lawyers, we have witnessed firsthand the immense challenges faced by those injured or who have lost a loved one in car accidents. We are dedicated to fighting hard to ensure that you and your family receive the rightful damages following a serious crash. To discuss your case with an experienced accident attorney at no cost, please call (888) GET-BART today to see how we can help you!

Why Choose Us?

Proven Track Record

Experienced legal team with successful cases and millions recovered in settlements.

Compassionate Advocates

Dedicated attorneys providing personalized support for your car accident case.

Thorough Investigation

Comprehensive research, expert consultations, and witness interviews to build a strong case.

Trial-Ready Representation

Skilled trial attorneys ready to fight for your rights if needed.

In 2022, there were 42,795 fatalities from motor vehicle crashes in the U.S., a slight decrease from 2021 but still above pre-pandemic levels. (NHTSA)

An estimated 5.4 million people were injured in car accidents in 2021. (NHTSA)

The total economic cost of car crashes in the U.S. in 2020 was estimated at $474 billion. (NHTSA)

In 2020, 29% of all fatally injured drivers had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. (NHTSA)

 In 2020, 9% of fatally injured drivers were reported to be distracted at the time of the crash. (NHTSA)

Although they represent only 5% of licensed drivers, teen drivers were involved in 17% of fatal crashes in 2020. (NHTSA)

The fatality rate for drivers aged 85 and older is almost five times the rate for drivers aged 35-44. (NHTSA)

 In 2020, 46% of people killed in car crashes were not buckled up. (NHTSA)

Rural roads have higher fatality rates than urban roads. (NHTSA)

More fatalities occur between 3pm and 9pm than any other time of day. (NHTSA)

More current Car Accident Statistics

Car accident statistics in the United States.

We Can Help

After an Auto Accident in Louisiana & Texas

Even a minor fender bender can cause injuries that necessitate medical care and keep you out of work. Serious car accidents often lead to catastrophic harm such as a neck, back, or spinal cord injury, a head injury, burns, and amputation. These injuries can prevent you from working indefinitely and alter your life permanently. As the level of injury increases, so does the importance of recovering a fair amount of compensation. Studies have shown that people who obtain legal counsel receive significantly higher settlement than those who represent themselves. As a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, Bart Bernard has a proven track record of getting outstanding results for injured clients. Some of the ways I help clients understand their rights and collect the full amount of damages owed to them under the law are explained below.

No Fees

Unless We Win

Your Recovery, Our Mission: No Win, No Fee! At Bart Bernard Injury Law, we’ll fight for your compensation on a contingency basis, so you can heal without financial worries.

Frequently Asked


Is it True that Louisiana Has One of the Highest Accident Rates in the Country?

This is, unfortunately, true. A recent report by the nonprofit group The Trust for America’s Health found that Louisiana has the 7th highest rate of auto fatalities per 100,000 residents (20.2) as well as the 15th highest rate in total auto fatalities. And when you look at key factors in fatal crashes—things like running red lights, drinking and driving, and speeding—Louisiana ranks as the 4th most dangerous state to drive in. According to the latest U.S Census data, only one other state has more fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled than Louisiana.

The Accident Was Partly My Fault. Can I Still Recover Damages?

Yes, although the amount of compensation you receive may be reduced by a percentage equal to your negligence. For example, imagine that you recover $100,000 in damages and are found to be 30% at fault for the accident. Your recovery, then, is reduced by $30,000 to $70,000. This is known as “comparative negligence.” Note that there must be at least one other party at fault for comparative negligence to take effect.

What Happens if the At-Fault Driver Doesn't Have Insurance?

You have a couple of different options. You might first try to sue the other driver for damages. Depending on the extent of your losses and the value of the driver’s assets, however, going this route may not be the best option. Even if you win, chances are good that an uninsured defendant doesn’t have much in the way of money or assets.

The second option is to file an uninsured or underinsured driver claim with your own insurance company (assuming that you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage). If this is the case, you’ll need to check with your insurer about the specific terms of your policy.

What Is No Pay, No Play?

With among the highest insurance rates in the country, Louisiana in 1997 instituted a ten percent rate decrease for automobile liability coverage. The rate reduction was accompanied by No Pay, No Play, which incentives motorists to buy liability coverage by limiting the ability of uninsured motorists to recover damages following a car crash. Under No Pay, No Play, uninsured motorists—even if the other party is 100% at-fault for a car accident—are not allowed to recover the first $15,000 for personal injury and $25,000 for property damage.. Certain exceptions apply, including accidents with an intoxicated driver, a driver who flees the scene of the accident, and a driver who intentionally causes the accident. As long as you carry at least the state minimum for liability auto coverage, you do not have to worry about No Pay, No Play.

What Are Punitive Damages?

Punitive damages are a money award given to an injury victim in addition to compensatory damages. Compensatory damages are “actual” damages—that is, they are designed to provide a plaintiff with money for things that were lost (e.g. medical bills, lost income, emotional harm) in their accident. Punitive damages, on the other hand, are designed to punish a defendant for an especially harmful act. In Louisiana, punitive damages can be awarded, but they are very restricted.  It isn’t a certainty that they will be awarded or in what amount.

Other Than the Driver of Another Vehicle, Who Can I Sue?

While the driver of another motor vehicle is the most likely lawsuit target, other parties may also bear blame for an auto accident. So-called “vicarious liability,” for example, might apply to the actual owner of the vehicle if it is a company vehicle driven by an employee or a teen driver operating his or her parents’ vehicle. Another instance involving teen drivers has to do with dram shop laws, laws that place legal responsibility on establishments that sell liquor to minors (if it’s a drunk driving accident).

In cases where an automobile defect causes the accident, the vehicle manufacturer or repair shop could be held liable. A government entity could also be held liable if a road design defect caused the accident. So could an entity (say, a landscape company) that drops debris (say, equipment) on a roadway that leads to an accident. Similarly, the owner of a domesticated animal that runs loose and causes an accident could be sued.

I Was the Passenger of a Vehicle Involved in an Accident. Can I File an Injury Claim?

As the passenger in a vehicle that gets into an accident, you may file a claim against the driver/owner of the vehicle you were in or the driver/owner of another vehicle involved in the accident—or both (assuming that each both parties share some blame for the accident). You would probably only pursue a claim against both parties’ insurers if a single party’s insurance is insufficient to cover your losses. If you are hesitant to file a claim against a friend or family member, keep in mind that their insurance company, not their personal assets—will be used to compensate you.

Who Decides Whether or Not To Accept an Insurance Company's Settlement Offer?

Even if you obtain legal counsel, the decision to accept a settlement offer is entirely up to you. Of course, if you do have a lawyer, he will be able to advise you on the fairness of a settlement. The inexperience of injury victims in dealing with settlement negotiations can sometimes lead them to accept an offer that on the face appears to fully compensate them, but actually does not.

Is a Lawsuit Necessary?

No, particularly if your injuries and/or property damage are minimal. Most accident cases of this nature can be settled without a lawsuit being filed.

A lawsuit may become necessary if the regular insurance claims process fails to deliver a satisfactory settlement offer. In filing a lawsuit, you might gain some negotiating leverage by showing that you won’t hesitate to exercise your rights. Plus, once the case is in the hands of a jury, it is out of the hands of the insurance company, possibly putting the insurer at a disadvantage. The fact that you file a lawsuit doesn’t mean that a pretrial settlement is no longer possible. In fact, most cases end up settling before a court ever hears the case.

What Is the Statute of Limitations?

Statutes of limitations are laws that forbid legal action beyond a certain date. In Louisiana, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is 1 year, meaning that 1 year from the date of your accident, you concede the right to file a lawsuit.

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Today for a Free Consultation

Injured in a Louisiana Or Texas car accident?  Call  (888) GET-BART for a free consultation with experienced lawyers.

 Let us fight for your justice and compensation while you focus on healing.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not legal advice. It is for general informational purposes only. The use of this website does not establish an attorney-client relationship.