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Bart Bernard

Personal Injury Blog

Pedestrian Accidents In Louisiana

Proving Liability in Pedestrian Accidents In Louisiana

Proving Liability in Pedestrian Accidents In Louisiana: How A Skilled Attorney Can Help You Louisiana roads pose many kinds of risks for pedestrians. When a pedestrian is struck by a car, truck, van, or another motor vehicle, the consequences can be devastating and even fatal. Those who survive such accidents

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Firearm Accident Injuries

Firearm Accident Injuries in Louisiana

Annually, more than 27,000 individuals in the country are admitted to the emergency rooms for unintentional firearm injuries. Louisiana gun owners must use and maintain their guns responsibly. They should store their guns safely and ensure that others, especially children, cannot access their firearms. Of all the country’s Traumatic Brain

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Spinal Cord Injuries in Louisiana

Spinal Cord Injuries in Louisiana

Spinal Cord Injuries in Louisiana: How Experienced Attorneys Accurately Value Claims? Few injuries are as severe and potentially devastating as spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries can affect an individual’s ability to walk, move, control their bladder, or even breathe easily. The physical effects are just the beginning. Spinal cord

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Slip And Fall Accidents in Louisiana

Slip And Fall Accidents in Louisiana

Slip And Fall Accidents in Louisiana Can Result in Catastrophic Injuries Slips and falls occur when you least expect them; they usually take you by surprise. Only motor vehicle accidents rank above slip-and-fall accidents as causes of accidental deaths in the country.    Property owners and businesses in Louisiana, whether

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