What Is the Most Common Type of Construction Site Injury?

Construction sites are dangerous. Fatalities on the job in construction make up 20% of all the deaths related to work across the country, according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). In 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 93 workers per week died in accidents and mishaps related to their jobs in all industries. Over 18 per week were in the construction industry.

What are the most common type of injuries on construction sites? Here are the top four.

#1 Falls

Injuries caused by falls outpace all other type of injuries on construction sites, making up 39% of fatalities.

Falls can occur almost anywhere in construction work. Workers fall from the building itself to the ground, from floor to floor, or from scaffolding. They can also fall off high equipment, such as ladders and cherry pickers.

While safety equipment that prevents extensive injuries from falls — such as helmets and harnesses — is required, some workers are not properly equipped by their employers.

The most often violated OSHA standard in construction areas last year was lack of fall protection.

#2 Struck by Object

The injuries OSHA terms “strike-bys,” when workers are struck by an object, are the #2 source of injuries on construction sites and cause almost 10% of fatalities.

Workers can be hit by equipment and materials that fall, like beams or hammers, or by moving equipment, such as trucks.

#3 Electrocution

Electrocution causes multiple injuries on construction sites and is the cause of over 8% of construction-related fatalities. Workers can be electrocuted by unfinished electrical wiring or by contact with overhead power lines.

#4 Caught in between accidents

OSHA terms one category of construction accident “caught between.” As the term implies, it refers to times when workers are caught between objects or construction or moving equipment. This can be walls, walls and trucks, collapsing structures, and more. Caught betweens are responsible for 7% of deaths on construction sites every year.

Construction Accident Lawyer Louisiana Trusts

If you or a loved one has been hurt on a construction site, we can help. We have experience in personal injury cases on construction sites, and in potential violations of OSHA standards.

If you need a construction accident lawyer Louisiana has come to trust, call the Bart Bernard Injury Lawyers at 225-275-BART (Baton Rouge) or 337-989-BART (Lafayette) for a free consult today.

Additional Resources on Construction Accidents & Safety:

  1. United States Department of Labor. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Commonly Used Statistics. https://www.osha.gov/oshstats/commonstats.html.
  2. United States Department of Labor. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA Quick Card. Top Four Construction Hazards. https://www.osha.gov/Publications/3216-6N-06-english-06-27-2007.html.



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