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"I'll be with you every step of the way™"

Bart Bernard

Personal Injury Blog

Louisiana Dog Bites

Louisiana Dog Bites

Dog Bites in Louisiana Resulting In Catastrophic Injuries Through the ages, dogs have served man in various roles – protectors, helpers, companions, and even life savers.  The majority of dogs do not pose a threat to humans. Unfortunately, some dogs attack and bite people, resulting in horrifying injuries. Dog bite

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Car Accidents In Louisiana Involving Out-Of-State Drivers

Car Accidents In Louisiana Involving Out-Of-State Drivers

It’s hard to describe what makes Louisiana so unique and special. From the historic buildings of Baton Rouge to the charming streets of New Orleans to the Cajun dance halls of Lafayette, everything about the Pelican State offers travelers authentic and beautiful experiences.  Most of these travelers to Louisiana arrive

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Cruise Ship Accident

Cruise Ship Accident

Injured on a Cruise Ship? Everything You Need To Know  No one likes to hit the high seas for vacation like the Americans. Going on cruises is as much a part of the national identity as the love for baseball. The cruising industry supports nearly half a million jobs in

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Ridesharing Accidents In Louisiana 

Ridesharing Accidents In Louisiana

Back in the day, public transportation allowed Louisiana residents to get from place to place without owning a car. But all across the Pelican State, commuters have adopted a new and affordable way to get around their cities. Rideshare companies allow you to travel without driving or sharing space with

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T-Bone Motor Vehicle Accidents In Louisiana

T-Bone Motor Vehicle Accidents In Louisiana Can Be Devastating

A T-bone accident occurs when the front of one vehicle collides against the side of another, forming the shape of a “T” at the point of impact.  A T-bone accident is also called a side-impact collision or a broadside crash T-bone accidents account for thirteen percent of all car accidents

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