Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in Louisiana & Texas

What to Look For & How to Protect Your Loved Ones As a personal injury attorney with nearly 30 years of experience in Louisiana and Texas, I, Bart Bernard, have witnessed the devastating impact of nursing home abuse and neglect. It’s a heartbreaking reality that affects far too many elderly individuals in our communities. This […]
Louisiana Nursing Home Negligence Lawyers

The American population is aging rapidly. More than fifty-five million people in the country are older than sixty-five. Over sixteen percent of Louisiana’s population is over sixty-five. With this swelling number of older adults, there are greater demands for healthcare, in-home caregiving, and assisted living facilities. Louisiana is one of the cheaper states to retire […]
Legal Issues Surrounding the Use of Granny Cams in Nursing Homes
If you or a loved one is in a nursing home or long-term care facility, you may be concerned about potential abuse. Whether emotional, physical, or even sexual, nursing home abuse and neglect is all too common. The issue is complicated by the fact that some elderly people, especially those with dementia or other mental […]
7 Signs a Loved One Might Be Ready for Assisted Living
It’s one of the most emotionally-charged discussions families will have: telling a loved one that they should no longer be living alone, and would be better off in an assisted living facility. When faced with such a life-changing transition, many seniors feel threatened, frustrated and even frightened at the prospect of losing their independence. While […]
Investigation Reveals Concerns About Extent of Nursing Home Abuse Epidemic
A recent, in-depth investigation by CNN has revealed that America’s seniors are facing an even greater threat than most would have ever suspected in the form of rampant abuse in nursing home facilities nationwide. Examination of voluminous federal and state-level records, interviews with regulatory officials, advocates and the families of victims has presented a devastating […]
New Law Grants Nursing Home Residents Right to Sue
Historically, federal-funded nursing homes have forced patients and their relatives to sign pre-dispute arbitration agreements prior to admission. By signing these documents, patients and their families were giving up their right to sue in the event of negligence, abuse or other harm committed by staff. Under the previous system of private arbitration, claims of wrongful […]