If you are injured by another party due to wrongdoing or negligence, it may be possible to file a personal injury claim in court. Personal injury claims can compensate you for damages, including medical bills to treat the injury, pain and suffering, lost wages, even retraining for a new job if the injury left you unable to perform a former job, and more.
Personal Injury Can Encompass Many Things
Personal injuries come in many forms. If a driver was driving under the influence of alcohol and caused an accident, it can be grounds for a lawsuit. If you or a loved one was injured by a defective product, you may be able to bring a lawsuit against the manufacturer. If you slipped and fell because a landlord or a store owner didn’t maintain safe property, he/she could be liable for your injuries. If a doctor or hospital is responsible for an injury, you may have grounds to file a claim.
But how do you begin a lawsuit? Gather evidence.
You need evidence of your injury and the conditions in which it occurred. Legal cases need evidence to support claims made.
- Take notes as soon as you can after the injury. Describe your injuries and any impairment you suffered as a result. Describe the environment in which the injury took place and any circumstances that caused the accident and injury. Include the date and time, and anyone you spoke to.
- Take pictures as soon as possible. Pictures of your injuries before they have healed or faded are important in establishing the severity and nature of the injury. Take pictures of the scene of the accident if you have a cell phone. If not, draw a diagram of the scene as soon as possible to keep your memories and facts straight.
- Keep a log of any trips to seek medical attention for your injuries. If you had to take time off of work, document the times and discussions you had with your supervisor.
- If possible, get the names and contact information of any witnesses to the accident.
Contact an Attorney
Once you have your facts straight, it’s time to contact an attorney to discuss your case. Accident attorneys will provide a free initial consultations that doesn’t require payment from you at all. They will ask you about what happened, what caused your injuries, and what the extent of your injuries are. They will give an opinion of whether you have grounds to bring a lawsuit.
It’s important to find a qualified personal injury lawyer to help you. Many accident lawsuits can be complex, involve multiple parties, and end up going to trial. You need a lawyer who is qualified to do it all.
If You Need a Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyer
If you’re looking for an experienced personal injury lawyer, call Bart Bernard. Bart understands the complexities of personal injury, and can help you when you need it most. Insurance companies know Bart will take them to trial if you don’t receive the compensation you deserve. That’s why they offer his clients higher settlements.
Initial consultations are confidential, and always free. Call today, we’re here to help.